

Summary Report

The Summary Report gives a one-page overview of the data, sorted by each category in the database table.  This Report is available only to the ROE user, but a printout of the data may be requested by the individual school districts.


Data Filters

In the right-hand column of the ROE Administrative Menu are hyperlinks to an assortment of reports that are designed to allow the ROE user to look at the data from numerous perspectives.  Each report panel includes a dropdown list with all available values for a given parameter (quarter, county, district, gender, age, grade level, reason).  Once a parameter is selected and the new table is generated, a [Print] button appears that will prompt the user to choose a printer for hard copy output.


Column sorting

Each column heading in the report table is a toggle sort hyperlink.  Clicking once sorts the data on that field in a descending fashion; clicking a second time sorts the same data in ascending mode. If a search parameter is also selected, the information visible in the table is sorted.  To restore the complete table of data, simply click [View All].


Printing individual reports

All reports may be printed in any combination.  Future enhancements may include the ability to filter data based on 2 or more parameters (such as gender and district and reason and age)


By combining the Summary Report with  individual filtered reports, the dropout reporter system is capable of producing a multi-dimensional view of those students who have been dropped from attendance rolls in an Educational Service Region.